"Thank you for inviting me to speak at the Blackboard Executive event. I welcomed the opportunity to share our developments and receive feedback and also to benchmark our activities and developments with other Universities both in the UK and overseas. The event extended my networks and I have continued to exchange information with some attendees. The hospitality was excellent!"

Professor Liz Barnes,
Pro Vice-Chancellor,
University of Derby

"Spending a day interacting with, and hearing from, colleagues at other institutions was terrifically useful.  The forum is just the right size; you get to know people, and that provides the vitally needed context for understanding their point of view. "

Serge Goldstein,
Associate CIO for Academic Services,
Princeton University

"I really enjoyed last year's Blackboard Executive event where I got the opportunity to meet with engaged people involved in teaching from all over the World. The presentations were all of high class and with relevant subjects. It was really stimulating to exchange experiences in a very relaxed atmosphere and in smaller groups. I hope to be able to attend this year also."

Torbjörn Andersson, MD, PhD,
Professor of Radiology, Deputy Program Director, School of Medicine,
Örebro University, Sweden

Read what attendees from previous Blackboard executive events had to say about their experience.
"I was a speaker at the Blackboard Executive Forum 2012 and found it to be an interesting and informative event, which addressed highly relevant topics and provided really helpful networking opportunities. It proved invaluable for sharing ideas with other institutions, and discussing approaches to current and future challenges in education. I'd recommend it to any senior level executive with an interest in the use of technology in higher education."

John Rushforth,
Deputy Vice-Chancellor,
University of the West of England

"I enjoyed the meeting and it is always very stimulating to hear what other universities are up to and to find out how they encounter the same problems as you."

Simon Marsden,
Deputy Vice Principal, Information Services,
University of Edinburgh

"I very much enjoyed attending the Executive Forum. Many of the presenters addressed issues we are currently grappling with here at Bradford and I found most of the presentations useful. I also enjoyed the networking opportunities."

Carol Higgison,
Senior Lecturer in e-Learning,
Centre for Educational Development,
University of Bradford